Kalithogai Paribadal Katchigal By Na. Parthasarathy
Kalithogai Paribadal Katchigal is a Tamil classical poetic work that was written by the famous Tamil author Na. Parthasarathy. He was a popular historical genre novel writer of Tamil literature. He wrote a large of number Tamil historical novel. Kalithogai Paribadal Katchigal is another his work. It published in 2000. From here, you will able to download the free PDF copy of this book.
Book Details:
- Book Name: Kalithogai Paribadal Katchigal
- Author: Na. Parthasarathy
- Genre: Fiction
- Category: Novels
- Publisher: Tamil Puthakalayam
- Published: 2000
- Total pages: 122
- PDF Size: 07 Mb
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