Kanniley Anbirunthaal By Lakshmi Prabha
Kanniley Anbirunthaal by Lakshmi Prabha is a novel. This is an interesting novel written by the author that speaks about family bondings and other aspects. The book’s title mainly speaks about; if the eyes have love in them, then what it can do, and what happens if the eyes have love in them. The pots are interesting and lovable.
Lakshmi Prabha is an eminent writer of Tamil Literature in this modern-day. She is a novelist who writes most of her novels inspired by her housewife life. If you are interested in the book, download the PDF file from here.
Book Details:
- Book Name: Kanniley Anbirunthaal
- Author: Lakshmi Prabha
- Genre: Novels, Family
- Total pages: 50
- PDF Size: 19 Mb
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